Let us help you heal.

Online Grief & Loss Therapy in Ontario

  • About grief & loss

    We’ve all experienced loss in our lives, however coping with loss sometimes may seem overwhelming or impossible. Tried & loss may come from a number of things whether it be a family member, pet, job or any change in your environment. You may feel jumbled or at a loss and that’s why we’re here at Ari Therapy, to help you on your healing journey. Grief is different for every individual - it may manifest in various ways such as emotional pain, physical manifestations or spiritual. Though it is common to grieve, prolonged grief often feels debilitating and through therapy, you can develop helpful coping mechanisms, have a safe place to express your sadness and embark on a new journey that isn’t defined by your loss.

  • You may be experiencing grief & loss if you are

    - Unable to focus on daily life due to preoccupying thoughts regarding your loss

    - Mixture of emotions such as anger, guilt, denial, shock

    - Numbness to your environment