Online Trauma Therapy

Trauma may come in all shapes and forms. We often may be aware of certain moments that have caused up post-traumatic stress and sometimes we may fail to recognize that a particular situation was traumatic for us. Distress is natural during and adjacent to a traumatic experience. However, prolonged distress can have negative impacts to one’s daily functioning, relationships and lifestyle. Ari Therapy can help you unpack your experiences, understand and reframe your triggers and help you develop healthy coping mechanisms to work through duress. 

You may be experiencing trauma/PTSD if:

  • You have issues sleeping, nightmares, flashbacks 

  • Intrusive thoughts and anxieties about your experiences 

  • Difficulty concentrating, finding motivation completing tasks 

  • Are feeling irritable, angered and triggered “easily” 

  • Isolating yourself, withdrawing from your social surroundings 

  • Feeling disconnected, dissociated or numb