Anxiety Therapy in Toronto

Stress is a common phenomenon. Eutress is the type of stress that exists to motivate us to study for that exam or prepare for a job interview.  On the other hand distress is the type of stress that effects us in a negative manner, overwhelms you, makes you feel threatened and anxious. Prolonged anxiety results in a state of constant “fight, flight or freeze”, resulting us to start developing unhealthy coping mechanisms or no coping mechanisms at all. Anxiety can effect our day to day lives, preventing us from completing tasks, attending events, being present and finding peace within ourselves. Often, it may seem that you can’t control the voices in your mind or the physical symptoms of the stress. At Ari Therapy, we work with you to help understand your anxiety, gain compassion for it, take control over it and develop healthy coping mechanisms. You are not your anxiety, book a consult today to see how therapy can help you. 

Signs you may have anxiety

  • Constant overthinking, over analyzing past or future scenarios 

  • Feeling unsafe and panic all the time 

  • Thinking of worst case scenarios even if they are farfetched 

  • Difficulty concentrating, keeping focus 

  • Inability to sleep or stay asleep 

  • Constant tightness in your chest or feeling like your stomach is sinking 

  • It is present all the time 

  • It is difficult to rationalize and control it