“There is hope even when your brain tells you there isn’t”

Depression Therapy

Sometimes we feel that there may be no light at the end of the tunnel. Every task becomes difficult and the battle with your sadness becomes one that is too overwhelming and difficult to overcome. Depression isn’t something you can simply “snap-out of” - it is persistent sadness that overtakes your days and makes it difficult to complete “simple” tasks. Being stuck in a spiral of low moods can become exhausting - but it doesn’t have to be that way. At Ari therapy we can help you understand your depression, help you develop hope and self-confidence, overcome the persistent feelings of sadness and start helping you feel like yourself again.

"1 in 4 Canadians has a degree of depression serious enough to need treatment" - Government of Canada

Signs you may have depression

  • Constant feelings of sadness or numbness 

  • Lack of motivation/energy/pleasure

  • Feelings of low self-worth 

  • Changes in day-to-day patterns (sleeping, eating, etc.) 

  • Loss of interest in things that once brought you joy 

  • Unable to concentrate/focus