Our services

  • Individual Therapy, Toronto Therapy, Therapist, psychotherapy, counseling, trauma, conselling, depression, anxiety, fertility, couples, teens

    Individual Therapy

    Lack of motivation? Or struggling with a variety of issues such anxiousness, depressive moods, trauma, self-esteem or anything else causing you discomfort? We’re here to support your on our journey. Our individual therapy sessions are customized to fit to you to meet your goals and help you develop healthy coping mechanisms.

  • Individual Therapy, Toronto Therapy, Therapist, psychotherapy, counseling, trauma, conselling, depression, anxiety, fertility, couples, teens

    Couples Therapy

    Communication, conflict resolution, fertility, responsibilities, trust and infidelity or overall strengthening your relationship with your partner or amicably separating. Ari Therapy can assist you to reach your mutual goals through mediated personalized couples sessions.

  • Individual Therapy, Toronto Therapy, Therapist, psychotherapy, counseling, trauma, conselling, depression, anxiety, fertility, couples, teens

    Children & Teen Therapy

    Navigating transitions can be difficult. If your child/teen are experiencing behavioural, emotional, communicative issues. Ari Therapy can create a nurturing environment to help your child navigate through their emotions and develop healthy skills.

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